MISSINGZARD GX (Missingno + Charizard) Custom Pokemon Card
Item Details
Name: Missingzard GX
HP: 190
Type: Fire
(F)(F) Heat Warp 80 - Send a (F) KNOCK Energy from this Pokemon KNOCK to the Lost Zone.
(F)(F)(F) Lost Flame GX 30x - Send each (F) Energy in YOUr DIscarD Pile to the Lost ZoNe. This attack deals 30 damage FOR each (F) EnerGy in your Lost ZonE. (You can’T use more than 1 X attack in a gaME.) DID YOU?
Weakness: (U)x2
Resistance: (W) -20
Retreat: (U)
Artist: Vim_a_r_t & ZabaCards
Set: Z3 48/100
Each card starts as a standard Pokemon card. I layer on a special mix of adhesive holographic vinyl making it foil, next, using a transparently printed rendition of this art I adhesive the card stock and the imagery together and cut down to shape. Voila! You now have, the greatest proxy/custom Pokemon card ever to use in home play!
You are paying for the supplies, and labor to create a custom card using a legal, actual Pokemon card as a canvas for custom made art. These cards are not tournament legal but I do my best to make them playable at home within the current TCG meta. :)
I am not affiliated with Creatures Inc. or The Pokemon Company. Please support their official upcoming releases.
MISSINGZARD GX (Missingno + Charizard) Custom Pokemon Card
MISSINGZARD GX (Missingno + Charizard) Custom Pokemon Card
Item Details
Name: Missingzard GX
HP: 190
Type: Fire
(F)(F) Heat Warp 80 - Send a (F) KNOCK Energy from this Pokemon KNOCK to the Lost Zone.
(F)(F)(F) Lost Flame GX 30x - Send each (F) Energy in YOUr DIscarD Pile to the Lost ZoNe. This attack deals 30 damage FOR each (F) EnerGy in your Lost ZonE. (You can’T use more than 1 X attack in a gaME.) DID YOU?
Weakness: (U)x2
Resistance: (W) -20
Retreat: (U)
Artist: Vim_a_r_t & ZabaCards
Set: Z3 48/100
Each card starts as a standard Pokemon card. I layer on a special mix of adhesive holographic vinyl making it foil, next, using a transparently printed rendition of this art I adhesive the card stock and the imagery together and cut down to shape. Voila! You now have, the greatest proxy/custom Pokemon card ever to use in home play!
You are paying for the supplies, and labor to create a custom card using a legal, actual Pokemon card as a canvas for custom made art. These cards are not tournament legal but I do my best to make them playable at home within the current TCG meta. :)
I am not affiliated with Creatures Inc. or The Pokemon Company. Please support their official upcoming releases.